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Post Graduate Program in Food Science.


Our History

The Food Science Post-Graduate Program (PPGCA) of the School of Food Engineering - University of Campinas, is without a doubt, the national standard for Food Science research and teaching.

Since its inception in 1969, the PPGCA has made  significant contributions to the field of Food Science. It established the first Food Science Master's Program in Brazil, and was soon followed by the Doctorate Program in 1975.

Our Mission

The PPGCA's central mission is to produce highly qualified professionals; capable of operating in specialized roles within the Food Industry and related areas.  In this way, the PPGCA endeavours to promote scientific, technological and social development.

Teacher Writing a Formula on a Blackboar


Our Faculty is composed of permanent professors and collaborators, each specializing in distinct areas of research. These research areas include: I) Food analysis, II) Food biochemistry, III) Food microbiology, IV) Food chemistry and V) Food toxicology. The PPGCA is considered an international center of excellence in the area of Food Science. The PPGCA standard is demonstrated by: the number of high-quality publications in renowned scientific journals; the integration of their research to satisfy industrial demands and the challenges of the modern world; and the highly skilled graduates produced by the program.  

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