It is our mission to provide academic, scientific and technological knowledge through teaching, research and extension activities.
To this end, the PPGCA has well-defined objectives:
1) To produce Masters and Doctor of Philosophy graduates in Food Science with the skills to promote scientific, technological and social development through their activities; in the areas of analysis, biochemistry, microbiology, chemistry and toxicology of food;
2) To develop research of a high scientific, technological and social impact; with inter- disciplinary and institutional (domestic and international) collaborations whenever possible. Thus, ensuring the prominence and stature of the PPGCA in the area of ​​Food Science (and related areas), at the national and international level;
3) To develop and promote events that attracts young talent from different regions of the country and overseas for the PPGCA Masters and/or Doctoral programs;
4) To maintain projects aligned with the PPGCA research interests; for the purpose of assisting in the recruitment of professors, the acquisition of diverse sources of funding and attracting exceptional students;
5) To promote engagement between the undergraduate and post-graduate courses, contribute to the training of students, and to attract exceptional students to the post-graduate courses;
6) To strengthen the interactions and relationships with the industrial sector; to explore initiatives that develop scientific-technological research that resolves problems; to facilitate the filing/licensing of patents; and to establish Masters and PhD. graduates in industrial areas related to Food Science;
7) To foster student exchange and interactions between PPGCA research groups and international centers of excellence;
8) To disseminate the results of PPGCA research to the academic and non-academic community;
9) To provide continuous training to students, by encouraging participation in pedagogical and scientific training programs, and by updating and creating disciplines that meet the demands and contemporary challenges of the Food Science area;
10) To continuously assess whether the PPGCA’s mission and objectives are being achieved; that they are updated with new goals in teaching, research and extension; and that they are in line with the University's strategic planning and problem solving at the national and international levels.