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Prof. Dr. Guilherme M. Tavares


Prof. Guilherme M. Tavares


Food Chemistry Laboratory

Effect of food processing on the structure and properties of food proteins. Interaction between proteins and bioactive molecules in model systems and complex matrices. Chemical and technological aspects of protein-rich ingredients. Technological aspects and potential application of protein supramolecular structures.

Home Guilherme

Selected Publications

MUNOZ, Luis Miguel Jiménez; TAVARES, Guilherme M.; CORREDIG, Milena. Design future foods using plant protein blends for best nutritional and technological functionality. Trends in Food Science & Technology , 2021.


Mantovani, RA, Rasera, ML, Vidotto, DC, Mercadante, AZ, & Tavares, GM Binding of carotenoids to milk proteins: Why and how. Trends in Food Science & Technology , 2021.


SANTIAGO, Livia A.; FADEL, Orlando M.; TAVARES, Guilherme M. How does the thermal-aggregation behavior of black cricket protein isolate affect its foaming and gelling properties?. Food Hydrocolloids , v. 110, p. 106169, 2021.


VIDOTTO, Danilo C.; TAVARES, Guilherme M. Impact of Dry Heating in an Alkaline Environment on the Structure and Foaming Properties of Whey Proteins. Food and Bioprocess Technology , vol. 13, no. 10, p. 1755-1764, 2020.


ALVES, Alane Cangani; TAVARES, Guilherme M. Mixing animal and plant proteins: Is this a way to improve protein techno-functionalities?. Food Hydrocolloids , v. 97, p. 105171, 2019.


NUNES, Lauane; TAVARES, Guilherme M. Thermal treatments and emerging technologies: Impacts on the structure and techno-functional properties of milk proteins. Trends in Food Science & Technology , vol. 90, p. 88-99, 2019.




FAPESP (2017/09214-4) – How do structural changes of dairy proteins affect the functionality of bioactive compounds in complex food matrices?


FAPESP (2018/03822-5) – Multi-user equipment approved in grant 2017/09214-4: preparative chromatography system.

Research Grants

Publicações Guilherme
Auxílio à pesquisa
Contato Guilherme



Address: Rua Monteiro Lobato - 80, Cidade Universitária Zeferino Vaz. Campinas, sp

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