Prof. Dr. Juliana A. Lima Pallone
Prof. Juliana Pallone
Food Analysis Laboratory II
Research Interests
Static in vitro methods simulating gastrointestinal digestion, to estimate bioaccessibility of essential elements and inorganic contaminants in food, and residues and/or food by-products. Assessment of nutritional potential and safety of food and food processing waste. Application of vibrational spectroscopy in near (NIR) and medium (MIR) infrared, UV-visible spectrophotometry and chemometrics for food analysis. Multivariate analysis and generating calibration and classification models for: evaluation of quality and identity parameters; authentication and determining origin of foods; and prediction of bioactive potential.
Highlighted publications
Selected Publications
TEIXEIRA, JOSÉ LUAN DA PAIXÃO; CARAMÊS, ELEM TAMIRYS DOS SANTOS ; THE BAPTIST, DÉBORA PARRA; GIANT, MIRNA LÚCIA ; PALLONE, JULIANA AZEVEDO LIMA . Vibrational spectroscopy and chemometrics tools for authenticity and improvement of the safety control in goat milk. FOOD CONTROL , v. 112, p. 107105, 2020.
SILVA, JGS; REBELLATO, AP; CARAMES, ETS; GREINER, R.; PALLONE, JAL In vitro digestion effect on mineral bioaccessibility and antioxidant bioactive compounds of plant-based beverages, Food Research International, Vol.130, pp. 108993-108993, 2020.
CARAMES, ETS; LOBATO, KBS; ALAMAR, PD; PALLONE, JAL. METHOD OF IDENTIFICATION AND CLASSIFICATION OF ADULTERED AÇAÍ. 2018, Brazil.Patent: Innovation Privilege. Registration number: BR10201806884, Registration institution: INPI - National Institute of Industrial Property. PCT Deposit: 09/17/2018
SILVA, JGS CARAMES, ETS; PALLONE, JAL METHOD OF IDENTIFICATION AND CLASSIFICATION OF FOOD CONTAINING ADDITIVES. 2020, Brazil. Certificate of addition. Registration number: BR1020180688421, Registration institution: INPI - National Institute of Industrial Property. PCT Deposit: 10/29/2020
Research Grants​
FAPESP Regular Grants
High added value foods: in vitro digestion simulation to estimate mineral bioaccessibility and adulteration detection using infrared spectroscopy and chemometry
Development of calibration models using spectral data for detection/quantification of adulterants and physicochemical properties of whole UHT liquid milk and evaluation of the quality and antioxidant capacity of nectars and fruit pulps.